Saturday, 2 June 2007

Bit quiet here tonight. Alfies out on day, or should it be night release. How bent is a 9 bob note by the way anybody????
Would you believe it? just phoned for a ruby, and theyve only got a bloody power cut. The only curry house in west london wotrth eatin from so cant get one from anywhere else, aparantly the chefs using candles to cook at the moment, or so were being told anyway. madness. absolutely madness.


me said...

where the fuck have you been? you tempt us all in, then disappear!


and as for the curry, get some pie and liquor down you!


Full english in a hotel in Cardiff this morning. Much as you could eat. Went back for seconds and thirds.

Had a curry on't way home n all.

Hard life in't it?

me said...

nightmare pal, absolute nightmare!