Friday, 25 May 2007

Heres a new one for you all, its just about midnight on a friday night....
Why is it , anything with tits or wheels, allways costs you money????
Eh Up Cappy, Alfie says watch ya guv'nor! got any jellied eels for us me old china ???? Cor blimey! Were cream crackered ere, aint stopped all night. getting in a right two and eight. been up an down those apples an pairs all fcuking night aint stopped yet. Honestly you wanna see the looks on our boats, worn out mate. Could do with popping down the rub a dub for a couple of pigs ears mate i tell ya. i got a spare cock an hen in me pocket might pop over the sun for a refreshing stella.

See thee later

Still had no answer to the one about if jesus was a carpenter how much would he have charged to put up a book shelf? im havin one delivered next week an was after finding out the going rate.


Anonymous said...

it 2 shekels i tells ya 2 n a half on sundays

me said...

he was a crap chippy. kept hammering nails into his hands, forever in casualty.
as for the rest. nope, my translater doesn't even understand it.


Yer've started some'at ere lads. Long live the lunatics!

I'll translate for yer Cappy if yer like

me said...

chhers 4D