Its nearly 2 in the morning on sat 19/05,
what sort of things are we thinking about????
Where does the saying " flapping like a queer penguin come from" ?
Does a queer penguin flap?
What about the saying " as wet as an otters pocket"? does any one know where or when that was first used?? or does an otter actually have a pocket?
what about
" Hes as bald as a badger " how is a badger bald??? thats stupid, who the fcuk made that one up.
" As rough as a badgers ass " is a badgers ass that rough?
" as dodgy as a sackfull of monkeys " i guess that is pretty dodgy.
" Hes got a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp" Has anyone ever seen that happen?
If anyone can contribute to this please do.
like a pit bull licking piss off a nettle!
u doods talk weird ;o)
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